"talent is a gift from Allah S.W.T and teamwork is build with understanding n tolerating other talents"..
n thats what make Trainers Inc (officially known as Bitara Trainers Consultant )..diz team handled and organized all kind of programs like motivation + leadership + team buiLding + "bijak belajar" + ESQ + juz said ur wish and we'll try to make it happens..
a team that consists 9 peoples and an angeL ..my team which gathered by willlingness to learn and gained experienced while helping other peoples to reach their goal..
hurm..so who is da peoples n angel in my Trainers Inc. team..lets know them so that u'll know why we are in this team.. (x knal maka x cinta so while reading bout their info plz refer to pic above k..)..:-)
lets start with 9 peoples :
faizeL : diz enterprising men get many projects 4 our team in our earLy days when we are not an established figure yet .. besides that his taLking and negotiating skills make him no.1 in diz area in this team .. huhu .. layanzz..
aZrin : give any responsible n task to this man , he'll make sure it'll done successfully.. his organisation skills is unbeatable in this team.. he's also a popuLar men too..
tarMizi : diz newLy coupled-men is a respectable figure in programs that we handled.. good in giving advice to younger generation .. n he is da most senior members in this team..huhu..
zahiR : his theraputic voice is no.1 to any people..a master in creative IT stuff , he's riLy dependable to make peopLe 's njoy n surprised with his works..
fiKRi : also a hepi man now .. an athletic man who can command in camp .. also a master in technicaL area , he is a fun man to work with..
anSaRuL : our new "ketua kelas" is a very polite man that love working till all works nicely done .. very keen with times , he is the man u can trust .. n he is singLe too ..huhu..
hiLmi : in every team they should be an "usTaz" so we can say that he's is the "ustaz" in our team cz his religious academic background .. also love computer's tech much ..
zeTTa : in every team dat handle various kind of programs there should be a woman to manage in which area man cant.. a kind and warm women , zeTTa have a voice that can calm peoples in unpredictable conditions.. and she's a good cook too (yezza leh mkn free ni..)..huhu..
pusPa : a tough (not rough) women who can lead other womens and girls without mercy .. huhu .. but that juz her task in our prog but in reaL world she is as kind as zeTTa..
now times to know angeL..an angeL??..yupp he is an angeL for his angeLgurL..
azirUL : da youngest member in this team ^wee^ .. as a moduL coordinator , he will make sure dat all moduL and activity can make participants get something from all works they did in whole program @ camp .. sometimes he felt so unjusticed to his teammates cz he always need to play a charm role in every prog bcoz his persona.. huhu ..
hurm .. gardner always said about multiple intelligence n we used it to build this team .. although now all of us can stand with their own feets but when we are together we are :
"the most compLete and strongesT consuLtant in UPSI dan kawasan2 sekitarnya.. "
although one day this team will be abandoned cz all of us have our own pLan , but all things that happen in our days together in this Trainers Inc is priceless..
Trivia Trainers Inc :
- our team's T.O.T is da most happening T.O.T that all of us ever experienced .. organized n participated by ourselves , it was the best way to learn n masterized all of our modul ..
- there's actually a lot more moduls that been saved by that angel for himself that we'll be use to make his pLan to Stamford Bridge happen ..( all story bout SB will be shared in next entry)..
till then , if my fellow blog readers want to use my team's expertise , juz contact me via email and we can discuss bout what u want from us when we meet..
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timer kaseh keraner kasi laluan.
caya la lobo.. aku suka pasal ni.. :) suara teraputik tu yg aku tak tahan sekali.. wakakak...
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