.. GaLakSi MiNDa CeRiA : ZeRo's KingDom Of CoLour..

~ 天の道を往き、総てを司る!.. Ten no michi o iki, subete o tsukasadoru! .. "Walking the path of heaven, to rule everything!" (Tendou Zero , 1985) ~
..GaLakSi Suci Crystal..

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Zero AnaLysis Centre : Pasca San Siro..


Ex-capitano of ZRO7 wants to talk bout one of my passion..

The football or secara ringkas dan terkininya mengenai game Champion League semalam antara 2 team yang disokong Zero sepertimana yang semue “alien” in diz GalaksiCeria tahu dari dulu lagi termasuk 1 lagi team = Blackburn Rovers..hehe..

Okies focus plz..

Seperti yang diperakui ramai fan neutral , game inter vs CheLsea yang Live from San siRo pagi tadi adalah the best game from 1st leg of 1st round CL ni..

Non-stop action..
Breathtaking moments (time cech injured =worst memento…)..
And the best defensive display by Lucio on Drogba walaupun droGba still perform..(u get it rite on how good of Lucio’ ability..)..

maLouda pun perfectly-suited je main leftback to nullify Maicon..
n KaLou pun jadi threat gak smlm tanpa disangka2..
hurm lucky 2 samueL “the wall” x kne penalty..
n ref pun tak berani wat ape2 coz kalo die ambil tindakan same ade samueL straight red card or kaLou 2nd yellow card n that ref will get bombardized by either Mourinho or the whole world (get it kan)..huhu..
kamoo semue pn saw kan dat clear penalty...
memang Lucky inter n unlucky cHelsea..
but both have their moment too..

pepun yang merisaukan Zero = betapa mudah MiLito mempermainkan Terry semalam..
n Maradona akan jadi biggest Loser kalo x bawak “eL Prince” ni ke WC2010 with arGentiNa..
movement n finishing ability yang dasyhat by Diego MiLito..
nightmare 2 teRRy n caRvaLho..huhu…

yang penting all-stars of both team perform admirably to entertain all football fan who love “joGa bonito”..(sori 2 exaggarate it but do I care..ehehe…)..

pepun waiting another great game of 2nd Leg …

may the better team of the best team win..
(kene bagi Lubos Michel jd ref game 2nd leg ni bru best..huhu..i believe in him

~ ZRO7 in bLueS + sidekick Eddz Chronic ~

foRza bLues..


edd's chronicles said...


sebab ada gmbr aku, kena la aku komen...

xpe, blk stanford bridge, chelsea balas blk...warm reception akan melembutkan hati mour...huhuhu

Mohd Azirul bin Ismail said...


terry mmg dah kne effect dh..

down dh game die..

tension dowh..hahaha..


nnt g stamford bridge same2..