.. GaLakSi MiNDa CeRiA : ZeRo's KingDom Of CoLour..

~ 天の道を往き、総てを司る!.. Ten no michi o iki, subete o tsukasadoru! .. "Walking the path of heaven, to rule everything!" (Tendou Zero , 1985) ~
..GaLakSi Suci Crystal..

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tahniah untUk aDik dari seoRang Abang..

- eiLyana n suhaiza -

Statistik 1st n its approved..
46,641 atau 9.2 peratus daripada 518,616 calon dapat 5A UpSR 2008..

n dari populasi 9.2% ade sorg gurL name SyahidatuL nurEiLyana binti IsmaiL termasuk dalam sampeLnya..(tahNiah cz u make our faMiLy tradition continue as expected)..
n bukan Lupe tpi bnyk sGt mnde yg berLaku 13hb @ khamis..n macam mane ia berlaku = x call adik utk tanye resuLt uPsR die adalah satu perkara yang amat menyentap peranan AziruL sebagai abang suLung..
maMa call kul 345pm n time 2 sgt cuak cz biasenye kalo nk call mesti malam je..(hanya fikiran negatif berlegar2 time ni)..pastu mama tanye ingat tak??..ingat ape??..owh 13hb = resuLt upsr keLuar n bising2 kat belakang mama 2 rupenye sedang makan2 sederhana besar kat umah..
(n im not sad cz cant join them but regret cz not call eiLyana by myseLf 2 ask her..)..

so i must undoing so dat i'll feel calm..(n now i feel better cz can story bout ur success here n hope eiLyana hepi when u read diz via nadia's Laptop)..
n of course i'll get u sumthing dat will suit ur new Life @ boarding schooL..(huhu jgn x hepi lak cz every gift shouLd make us hepi even its not in ur wishlist..)..

so rase2 adik dah ade semue dh kan..except KAKAK iPAR..so i'll give u one ok..yupp juz ONE + gift (yezza n gift itu pastinya sesuai untuk student sekolah berasrama penuh n jgn mintak PS3 cz itu sepatutnye yeN yang mintak pas SPM die buLan 12 ni)....

to eiLyana = 5A juz a stepping stoNe , even when u get 8A in ur PMR it also a stepping stone..n is should be a stepping stoNe 4 u to get 2 da peak..(its mean tradition of 8A must be continues too n there's no pressure at all cz its juz simple as i said here..x caye tanye nadia+yen+ika..)..huhu..
piLih La skooL yang terbaik n dun worry abaH will settle it n lagi jauh lagi bagus leh g hoLiday pas atas adik..yezza..n pLus ur weight 2 cz u need a lot of energy in 2ndary skool...n other advices will be share diz raye aji..

to kak cPus : hepi bLated bday @ 13hb noV..(patutLa Lupe psL resuLt sebab cPus dLu caLL b4 maMa..so xde adiah..)

to traiNerS ; ALLAH bLess us n hepi hoLiday..

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